Quote from ickyswood >> ok. Obviously some of the people on here are just being hypocritical. I am not going to point out names, but I know many of you took advantage of the phenoms __ and called me a baby when I was complaining about it. I know people that earned well over 15-20 million coin from the phenom ___ and the numbers were 10-20x what they are for this.
the whining is getting insane. So I will just use the same meme people used against me when I was complaining about the last __ and no, I did not even know about this one until way after the fact. My team isn't that great as I have failed to capitalize on any of Maddens accidents this year.
ok. Obviously some of the people on here are just being hypocritical. I am not going to point out names, but I know many of you took advantage of the phenoms __ and called me a baby when I was complaining about it. I know people that earned well over 15-20 million coin from the phenom ___ and the numbers were 10-20x what they are for this.
the whining is getting insane. So I will just use the same meme people used against me when I was complaining about the last __ and no, I did not even know about this one until way after the fact. My team isn't that great as I have failed to capitalize on any of Maddens accidents this year.
Yeah this has become a mess. I am waiting to see what ea does to clean up this mess because. Stayed toned boys and girls and get your candy canes and hot chocolate ready this should be interesting
Quote from aliveeventisabouttoexpire >> This happens every year Madden mobile has been out and it's preventable. EA is too inept to prevent it though since they don't test anything before releasing it and then they don't do anything about it. It's why most wish there wasn't an NFL-EA deal. If they didn't make a shit product we wouldn't see this
The community is the cloud resource for their testing. Users are the testers. So, developers don't need to test anymore.
On top of it, people continue to pay for crap products. It gives the signal to EA that we actually are fine to pay for crap products.
The moment you lose to one of the cheaters like Astros, it does not matter how many cheated.
Changing the tier is bad. At this rate, 98 should not exist not until mid-Jan. Most people are still playing 92 today. 94 will be available this week but at a very expensive cost. 96/98 are not possible. Even when 98 is available, the evolve cost will be very expensive at first. You are talking 2 months worth of playing time. Not to mention that you can sell them.
May I suggest putting in those gold cards that can chase down a speeding bullet and you’ll be fine
Quote from seahawks1977 >> I wish I could completely f#! over 95% of my customer base, go silent because I either refuse to, or don’t have the ability to, fix the issue and then have those that got f#!ed say “let’s be rational” and then start proposing compromises. I guess my real world is different than others...thank god for my human rights.
kool-aid must be Bengals orange tonight.
I must be one of the 5% that didn't get f*#! over and I still have 90 and 92 evos on my team. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
This happens every year Madden mobile has been out and it's preventable. EA is too inept to prevent it though since they don't test anything before releasing it and then they don't do anything about it. It's why most wish there wasn't an NFL-EA deal. If they didn't make a shit product we wouldn't see this
It doesn’t matter if only few people did it, the integrity of the whole system has been thrown out the window. EA must revert the overalls. If they’re worried about people being mad if they revert, they shouldn’t, if you take advantage of a glitch you should know that things you took advantage of may be rolled back to the point where you might lose items.
Quote from boomer295 >> Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Quote from boomer295 >>
So you’re saying you’re okay with hundreds of people monopolizing the competitive market? This glitch gives them a distinct advantage and could help them stay on top for a long time making the competition uncompetitive and grinding for the top futile. Less grinding means less money so if EA is smart they will revert the affected players.
Also, has anyone else noticed the league power of top teams? It’s usually impossibly high for the number of members. I remember seeing one team from earlier in the season with about 5,000 power per member but that’s impossible. I’m just trying to say that those on top already have enough advantages without giving them free upgrades to the best possible team that is currently unattainable.
Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Quote from boomer295 >> Posted this in another thread, but probably more appropriate here. Would appreciate any responses! :)
I’ve only seen like 3 people with 96s, and like 3 or 4 cards on the AH. Why is this the straw that broke the camel’s back for so many people? I just don’t get why the game is ruined for like everyone it seems(genuine question, as I genuinely don’t understand).
Quote from Wespac231 >> Quote from boomer295 >> Posted this in another thread, but probably more appropriate here. Would appreciate any responses! :)
I’ve only seen like 3 people with 96s, and like 3 or 4 cards on the AH. Why is this the straw that broke the camel’s back for so many people? I just don’t get why the game is ruined for like everyone it seems(genuine question, as I genuinely don’t understand).
Quote from boomer295 >> Posted this in another thread, but probably more appropriate here. Would appreciate any responses! :)
I’ve only seen like 3 people with 96s, and like 3 or 4 cards on the AH. Why is this the straw that broke the camel’s back for so many people? I just don’t get why the game is ruined for like everyone it seems(genuine question, as I genuinely don’t understand).
Those are just the people selling the cards and making great coins. Some people kept what they made and now it’s impossible to compete with those people. There is an imbalance in what you can have. Certain people will have great cards for months that they got Very easily for free. The rest of us will not be able to compete with this imbalance for a while. Play the H2H portion of the game for a while. You will see how unfair the game is if you play an opponent with a super team.
Quote from boomer295 >> Posted this in another thread, but probably more appropriate here. Would appreciate any responses! :)
I’ve only seen like 3 people with 96s, and like 3 or 4 cards on the AH. Why is this the straw that broke the camel’s back for so many people? I just don’t get why the game is ruined for like everyone it seems(genuine question, as I genuinely don’t understand).
I have seen a bunch of and on all day and just saw a 98 Evans in my AH. I also had the misfortune, and I wish I would have took a screenshot, of playing someone in OD who had a very how should I say, unlegit or pretty much not legal team. Lol
EA is most likely not going to do anything about what was done. I am not really even that mad, its maybe 100 players or so that took advantage. A very small percentage just scrolling through all of the top leagues and looking at some chats.
A compromise?
Make future evolvable 96 and above be 70 power. Anything that has already been evolved to that point will not get the benefits of the additional power. Power is becoming so important with the introduction of these boosts. This would help us at least calm people down...
If evolvable players stay at 50 power anyway, they will start to be fazed out. I call this a win win.
Also... happy human rights day which also falls on a very important holiday National Dewey Decimal System day.