We discussed the 12 Days of Giveaways, Phenoms, Twitter Player Drops and the EVO Issue. There's a lot of details about 12 Days in the stream, see attachment for further detail. Legend/MH Mods will be posting the first 12 Days post on Friday which will have everything you need to know on it as well. Make sure you tune into Madden Mobile Segments, Noobkill213 + iLogicsHD weekend streams, and forums for all your chances to win!!
Icky's Transcript:
Phenoms: Justin Skule / Tracy Walker
12 Days of Giveaways begin Friday 12/13 and end Tuesday 12/24
FoF Player revealed every hour (or so) on Twitter
Primetime Players Tomorrow (J E T S JETS JETS JETS)
Evo Issue hopefully solved by EoD
Hey All,
In case you missed the stream, the Madden Mobile Segment went live after Console's Title Update stream!! Check it out here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/520064445?t=00h39m29s
We discussed the 12 Days of Giveaways, Phenoms, Twitter Player Drops and the EVO Issue. There's a lot of details about 12 Days in the stream, see attachment for further detail. Legend/MH Mods will be posting the first 12 Days post on Friday which will have everything you need to know on it as well. Make sure you tune into Madden Mobile Segments, Noobkill213 + iLogicsHD weekend streams, and forums for all your chances to win!!
Icky's Transcript:
Phenoms: Justin Skule / Tracy Walker 12 Days of Giveaways begin Friday 12/13 and end Tuesday 12/24 FoF Player revealed every hour (or so) on Twitter Primetime Players Tomorrow (J E T S JETS JETS JETS) Evo Issue hopefully solved by EoD
Drop any comments/questions below!