
What's the best way to get 94 NFL 100 players?

This is mainly a question of whether to go 82 -> 92 -> 94 route or do 25 bob packs and go for the golden football. I know the latter would take 750 badges but has a chance to get other players. I know 82 -> 92 takes 300 badges but I don't know what the upgrade cost to get to 94. Which path is better?


I have over 1000 NFL badges, was going to do the 30 trade in set once we got that awesome TE... we never got even a half decent TE, so I am still waiting.

Guess I may plough into the WR position, just don't mess this one up EA.

But by now, I agree going the 92 - 94 route is better, since 93s are only getting cheaper. Not as much fun.


Quote from hawksnucks94 >> Getting 94 players is a steep task :TROLL:

You get 25 player packs if you do the BoB path to 25 footballs, so you would only need 69 more players to reach 94, and then subtrac the player you build (total of 68).

Then, there are 33, 82 OVR elites you can get from playing the 200 stamina events, leaving you at 35 players left.

Icky values a 92 NFL 100 player at less than 1 million coins now, so you can probably get a total of 94 players for less than 30 million coins.


Getting 94 players is a steep task :TROLL:


I can't spend 750 badges for some chances. I just go the guaranteed route in this game. All Boom or Busts are 1-2% regardless.


Thank you all for the responses! Good to know about the upgrade cost.


build 92 and evo


BOB used to be better. I think traditional route is the play now. 

I completed the BOB 75 times and did not get an NFL 100 player. I pulled 5 Diamonds so not too bad but I do not advocate for this route in this current market. 

I value a 92 NFL 100 player at under a million now. So even with a boom I think it is much easier to go 92 to evolve


Me i like to gamble so i go the BOB route. Just got my 25th ball and hit no booms, on my alt though I boomed a Dickerson in like 10 tries


Quote from jawabomb >> BoB could be better if you manage to pull a 92 you want. But I think the regular upgrade is better now that H2H players have hit 93.



BoB could be better if you manage to pull a 92 you want. But I think the regular upgrade is better now that H2H players have hit 93.


I guess 82 to 92 and then 94 would be better (it costs like 300 for the 92 + 75 for the 94 and a 93 player). But I personally have been going BoB for the 94 and chance at a 92. So a 94 = 375 badges and a 93 player or you can do 700 badges for a 94 and pay 0 93s.


Just wanted to answer your question about upgrade costs.

92 -> 94: 50x any NFL 100 badges, 25x positional group specific NFL 100 badges, and a 93 OVR player.