Quote from robertk328 >> I’m keeping an eye on root for when it updates and will post when it’s there. Patience is your friend. you can open a ticket with EA if you need to ask about an exchange — YMMV
I’ve opened tickets twice with ea support in the past but has gone no where and it’s a complete waste of time
I also got burned on this. And I accept that it happened, I submitted a ticket that will go nowhere and most importantly, I got a pretty good consolation prize in Centennial Bell and I am moving on.
But please stop with the “it’s Christmas” argument. Maybe if they refuse to accept money on Christmas then I will accept that argument. But not only will they accept money today—check out the store—but they will likely facilitate the spending of money (hello Blitz). Besides, yesterday, when it happened, wasn’t Christmas; plenty of people were working, certainly in the service sector.
I’m keeping an eye on root for when it updates and will post when it’s there. Patience is your friend. you can open a ticket with EA if you need to ask about an exchange — YMMV
Quote from Wespac231 >> This is one time I will give EA a break. The 94's are usually updated at 6pm I believe on tuesdays, with that being said, it is Christmas Eve and family time. I am going after Fitz but have no problem waiting til after the holiday.
That is not accurate. They always update at Tuesday reset. Just bc it’s xmas it means you should slack off at work? Most people don’t have xmas eve off including myself.
I went for an OG instead, I expected this from EA. When you plan for disappointment with them you never get angry anymore.
This is one time I will give EA a break. The 94's are usually updated at 6pm I believe on tuesdays, with that being said, it is Christmas Eve and family time. I am going after Fitz but have no problem waiting til after the holiday.
I too got burned by them today on that. Thanks for messing yet another aspect of this game up
MM team is by far the worst dev team at EA, hell they can’t even give their game changers and community managers accurate information. The quality control department is non existent too, I wonder if they bot their feedback responses like they do OD matches.
Yeah. But is anyone surprised at the almost daily glitches or broken parts of this game that can't be fixed. Inept at its best definition. Will anyone be surprised tomorrow if we have some new glitch or something just wrong/broken. I know I won't be, I expect it with this crew
Thanks for this Information i just wanted to get him too. Bad for you. Hope ea will compensate their bullshit
so there’s no 94 fitz in the centennial pack...just amazing how often ea falls flat on their arse. The incompetence with this dev team is unmet. I can’t imagine any other company that would continue mistakes day in and day out. Just unreal how they still continue to operate in this manner.
/end rant