
A Plea To EA Going Forward

I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these words will fall on deaf ears or never be read by those whom helm the reigns at EA, but i guess it's more a form of therapy perhaps. I was skeptical of Madden Max at first, but just finished watching Nick's second YouTube video on the topic and felt compelled to start this thread. Due to medical reasons, I've been a little out of the loop these last few days, so it took a while to get around to watching the explanation of how to obtain 105ovr's. Now, I'm cautiously optimistic about it. It might just work. Sounds well thought out and not as ill-conceived as I first thought. I had assumed that the developers were backed into a corner, of their own doing, and this was their only way out. Looks like i was wrong. With that being said, I implore you EA, in the future, we should not need a series of YouTube instructional videos to explain a program/promo for Madden Mobile. Perhaps, the best iteration of the game, MM15, was superb because of its delicate balance between simplicity and intricacies of necessary strategy. It truly was perfection. So, going forward, if I may beg of the dev team, go back to the roots of what made this game grand. There's no need to put bells and whistles on top of bells and whistles. There's no need to put glitter on gold. At it's core, Madden is great. Let it be so, I beg of you.

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