
Ranking Madden Mobile 16-20

I miss the old days. Been watching some old Madden Mobile videos from 16-17 and been making me sad and decided to make a list of them all. I started at the end of 15 and don’t remember it well so I am keeping that off this list.

On this list will be MM 16, MM 17, MM 18, Overdrive (MM 19) and MM 20. Will also grade each one on an A-F scale. Lots of explaining so read them if you want a lil trip down memory lane and my experiences or just look at the Ranks. Lmk your opinions

#5 - Overdrive. Ah what a fail. Each promo was such a grind and confusing and there were literally like no packs that you could even open with coins. Overdrive was not even fun to play. We didn’t even have sets. Scott the Bot was in full swing for the first year and they could have done nothing worse and Ea knows it and they stepped down from that to what we have been left with today. Grade: F

#4 - MM20 - This year the game definitely can be a lot better. While it is an improvement from Overdrive and we have the option of regular H2H I am still not a fan of it. I have been playing it more recently since I can’t go anywhere and I am getting very bored as I built my team to a 92 from like an 85 (I also had to restart in December) but that is due to the time we are currently in. I do like how we got sets back but trying to get auctions to sell are a nightmare. The promos are ok, some are bad some aren’t horrible. Packs we can only spend coins on Pro Packs which aren’t even worth it since Elites won’t sell. The field pass I’m not a huge fan of because I ain’t dropping 40 bucks on that but I wouldn’t be pissed if it stayed. You probably ain’t even reading this by now. If we can get some improvement of stuff that are more like last year It can get better. The problem is we still got the AH bot and weekly programs don’t work the fun ways they used to. Grade: D

#3 - MM18 This is when I started to play less as we had cards go up to like 125ovr. I remember I got like a 115 Marvin Jones worth like a mil and that was at Easter. I don’t know why we got that high cards. I don’t remember the promos too well and this is when the bot was introduced to the auction house. It was easier to get stuff to sell than now and we did have the draft mode occasionally and that was fun because personally I am a fan of MUT draft and it would be lit if they can bring that back. Still it was fun, still had some feeling of the fun days and it wasn’t the hot garbage of overdrive Grade B

#2 - MM17 This was such a good game and I really can’t say much more about it. The pro bowl promo I remember was insanely fun. The packs were lit and I remember the day of release I was on the bus for school and there was a pack for a random 98. The best pull was a 98 Deangelo Hall and I did that set early on and pulled him and sold him for like 8mil. The TOTY promo I know was bad but every single promo was great that year otherwise. I remember getting some nasty snipes on like 91ovr UL set players going for like 500-600k each. There was 1 weekend. ULs were Randy White and John Elway. This is when we had boss legends that were always crazy expensive. In the morning I pulled 99 Randy White for like 10mil Im fucking freaking out. Then I rip some more later pull another one. I was going to my Aunts house who is like 2 and a half hours away and I remember still ripping them all car ride having my brother rip some and by the end of the day I pulled them 5-6 times. I also sniped an Elway for a mil profit. Was at like 50mil coins at the end of the day from like 1-2mil. Was an insane day and I remember it well to this day. The game was great but nothing can beat the game that was called Madden Mobile 16 Grade: A+

#1 Madden Mobile 16 Do I even have to explain? If you played you know Grade: A++++++

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