

1) Correct H2H Rewards distributed
2) 5,000 RttD point make-good distributed for Booster
3) Urlacher now N/A, Stats/archetype also now fixed
4) Stamina Bug/Crashing should be fixed. Please let me know if it's happening for you


1) OD Collector Set has been refreshed.
2) Rttd points have been added to LvL
3) RttD points added to league store

Sorry for these, will update when i have more


Thank you!


Thanks Nick, hope you guys are doing ok


Got 1 and 2 rewards. Thanks


Thanks for the updates


Thanks bro


We need another 500 RttD Points for the three days of missed LvL points.


Nice work, Nick. Thanx. Hope all is well with you in these mad times.


4) was the thing I was wondering about (it was pretty comical, as in super frustrating) to be kicked out several times in a row every so often. I haven't played for a few hours so I'm hoping when I go back in, the fix has worked!

And glad to see that 2) will be addressed (I presume it's for those with the field pass)

As always, stay safe.


Nice work Nick


Hey Nick, I was charged twice for the field pass. I contacted EA’s customer service and they confirmed I was charged twice, but said they could not do anything about it and that I need to contact iTunes. I contacted iTunes and they said that it is not a refundable purchase. Can you please help?


Hit up them on discord. You'll get response for it


Which channel in on discord would get a response?


Thanks for letting us know.


Just threaded about this, but Madden Max Urlacher's JMP needs to go from 90 to 99. ALSO, he is placed as Pass Coverage - MLB Archetype, and not the Madden Max - MLB Archetype. Thanks.

Edited by fxion2


thank you


ea_messina - tip when making lists:
if you do a double-space
at the end of a line,
before pressing enter,
it will create a line break for you.

Edited by ncannelora1


Also a numbered list can be made by typing a number followed by period, each on its own line. If there's preceding text, you may need to double space before starting the list:

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

This concludes our online class for today. See you all tomorrow.

Edited by 51david


Thanks for sharing


Can we get the stats of the new H2H players? They weren't included in today's News. Other posters have provided the list of players but I don't want to buy a player without know his stats.


How about the bonus video rewards? Seems like many I know are getting the option to watch videos for RTTD players and RTTD points meanwhile I along with others only have the option to watch for essentially coins. Seems like a major unfair advantage for completing current promos or RTTD points. I know it's a bonus but it sets an uneven playing field.Plus I skip all the current ones because the rewards are so week but with RTTD bonuses I'd watch them which is more money for EA so I'd assume you want to fix this.

Edited by GBear66


What Urlacher? Also is it possible that for people ripping the 96-98 EVO player it take out the NAT cards or make them auctionable? Annoying when it was pulled. Thx for the updates tho


NOOOOOOO I want to pull Strahan. I missed him In the beginning of season.


What Urlacher?


The 105 was accidentally auctionable. You may see some on your AH for 20-50 mil or so 😂

Edited by jawabomb


Reset the Overdrive collector OD sets in competitive sets please. The one that takes the 10 Vertical, 10 Spread, 10 SM, and 10 WC badges from OD Please. Thank you.