It definitely feels like they will be mailing in the rest of this year. It’s why they dropped Max, copy and paste promos, drop the same players with identical stats, have connectivity issues, lots of glitches and much less communication.
Yes, the WFH situation for everyone is certainly having an effect, but EA has never done well with QA, so now it’s being compounded.
EA está dando la oportunidad de que los P2W gasten su dinero para lograr un equipo 105ovr en abril.
En junio......EA sacará eventos para que los F2P podamos acabar la temporada con 104-105ovr
I’m taking Spanish 3 in High school... I don’t live in Spain. If you can Understand what I am saying type in English when people can understand you Ok?
I think a lot of that might be true, but since they are limiting how many there are, it will take months to build a full team
Or that their simply all out on coronavacation and just want to leave the lights on the atm machine
It probably would have taken longer than that to plan I feel. They announced it a lil after they started working from home
So what your are saying is for the 3rd season in a row, EA is bailing early to "get ready for the big one"?
It’s possible. They will try and probably fail but maybe they learned from failing from what they used to have
Edited by TheCheapBoyz
Also remember that this season started a month earlier. So this year’s April = MM17 May. Id say we’re pretty much on pace to have Boss type players at this point.
EA is done for this madden mobile season. They probably have a few more promos and another field pass or 2 planned out already and are done with it. Now, if that is correct, why? I have 3 guesses to that
EA just wants people to drop cash on the game so they can be the best and get madden max players fast
EA has just given up on this season after seeing it be not as big as a fail as overdrive but still a fail
Now the big one that would be good but highly unlikely: EA is already heavily getting ready for next season months away from it. Now obviously this is all highly unlikely but why? Why do we have endgame cards in April? Why is there 100ovrs in April? They said at the beginning of the year a gradual increase in ovr of cards which is why they started at an 85. That clearly did not happen. So why would they basically wrap it all up now with what cards people are going to be using in July? You don’t even have to change your team until July if your team is stacked. Yes it can be them giving up. Yes it can be a cash grab and it probably is. But why this early? Why? It reminds me of the boss promo of MM17... We didn’t get that to May and these cards are still better than that, they didn’t have all maxed stats. So why so early? I can be completely wrong but what I think EA is doing is basically making endgame cards early so they can better prep for next season. They changed the whole system of the game in overdrive... Can they be doing this to put more of an old Madden Mobile feel and promos and style back into the game? Probably not but it is possible. Not highly possible at all but slightly possible. Any thoughts or am I just going crazy? Probably since I think ea is doing something good I am but I’ve left my house like twice in the past 3 and a half weeks