
Sharing Coin Making Methods

So, I know that for years it's been a taboo to share coin making methods in fear of it bottoming out and no longer working after word gets out. I've never been one to kowtow to societal norms so I'm going to share one that's been making me over 10 mil a day for the last week and do with it what you will. I'll make it as simple as possible. You need a little stack to start with. First, obtain a 98ovr RttD or Easter player. If you can't get one as one of the achievements for the RttD promo you can buy one for apx 1mil on the AH. Exchange it for 4 Madden Max badges. Use all 4 of those in the Evo exchange set. Now, if you're unlucky and pull a nfl100, sell it as is for market value. Anything else, for minimal profit, sell as is, or since I have several 99s on the bench i Evo it to 100ovr and sell for a minimum of 2 mil depending on the player. Then with the profits, I bought 2 more 98s for 8 badges etc. Every time the investment doubles (i.e. 1mil turns into 2mil, 2mil turns into 4mil, 4mil etc). So, do with this info what you will. But it's working hardcore for me this far.

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