The draft is only 1 round and 2 using your existing lineup. I personally would rather 2 draft rounds and 1 using existing team. I personally always enjoy having drafts since it makes you pick some players you can not get, or want to try out for the future. I think people would also prefer either all draft, or more than 1 round of drafts, or having themed tournaments. A legend only player tournament, or specific programs (Quad Hud players) obviously it would be later in the season, but an idea that could work. Talks about the tournament a bit.
What would you prefer?
May as well use your three attempts for all three, can't see people needing more than 9 attempts to complete it.
Not sure who played this weekend (since we all thought each Round was a race to 42K points), but I found the Draft with an OD team very difficult. I loved Draft tournaments last year, but it is a whole different situation this year.
If I m racing to score 65k points, the last thing I want is a bunch of crappy elite players who are not worth the OVR number plastered on their card. It made OD tedious and clunky. Not a fan.
I'll be maxing out my attempts on the two weekday rounds. Let the weekends be for other things.
Put me down for one who hates the draft - and I am nowhere near a whale team. If you get a decent QB and one or two great WRs, it is just bombs away since hardly anyone will have a CB that can cover you. Of course, it is still mostly bombs away since they declined to make this a traditional H2H like I had hoped...
As it stands now, I like the format. The first two rounds I can use my team and claim the 7 milestones. That makes playing with a drafted team optional on Sat-Sun (and I didn't). For those that don't have a very strong team, and leveling the playing field benefits them, they can mostly play during the draft round. If you ask me, it's a solution that should please everyone.
Quote from GeeMack >> Quote from Pokerplyr80 >> The draft was the worst aspect of the tournaments from last year. Get rid of the draft part and let us use the teams we've built.
Says the P2P player who wants to crush everyone?
I'm barely playing any more, and certainly wouldn't pay to play. But the point of this game has always been to build the best team possible. Or at least one you enjoy playing with. Why would I want to have to draft a new team every week?
Quote from Pokerplyr80 >> The draft was the worst aspect of the tournaments from last year. Get rid of the draft part and let us use the teams we've built.
Says the P2P player who wants to crush everyone?
The draft was the worst aspect of the tournaments from last year. Get rid of the draft part and let us use the teams we've built.
Draft concept isn't bad at all but the limitations last year.
Half your drafted team consists of Gold 70-79s, base elites and a few high overalls in the later rounds.
I don't want to play with a bunch of crappy players and 2-3 high end players.
If they give us a draft that doesn't have golds and normal rounds with choices of like 90+ cards yeh I'm down. But I'm not down with a downgraded August-September type roster
Quote from Tyguy345 >> The draft will be on the weekend. There will be a draft this week
Sorry I miss read
Editted the post
I'd prefer all draft. If I want to use my team I can just go to OD and use it. I enjoy some variety in the game.
Quote from zoowildlife >> Quote from starkmm >> I like the draft aspect. Prefer all rounds to be draft because then it means that the people who have the best of the best teams don't have an advantage over you. Draft in all rounds levels the playing field imo.
Why should it be a level playing field? People that spend a ton of time and sometimes money should have an advantage...I am sorry but that is how lige work harder and you get to have an advantage....I say no to any level playing field.
Quote from zoowildlife >> Honestly....I want to use my team that I spend a tons of time building. I am not even sure I want the draft....but I definitely do not want my draft roster to be the majority for the rounds. I think 1 round is fine...but 0 rounds is actually preferable for me.
Do you ever get bored using the same lineup after 100+ games? For me I always switch up my lineup. I do not really care to much for the same lineup, so for me I love trying new players than seeing if I want to buy them. However, IMO if we use the same teams for blitz as we do for Overdrive then the game will be stale and more people will complain of no content.
Quote from starkmm >> I like the draft aspect. Prefer all rounds to be draft because then it means that the people who have the best of the best teams don't have an advantage over you. Draft in all rounds levels the playing field imo.
Why should it be a level playing field? People that spend a ton of time and sometimes money should have an advantage...I am sorry but that is how lige work harder and you get to have an advantage....I say no to any level playing field.
Honestly....I want to use my team that I spend a tons of time building. I am not even sure I want the draft....but I definitely do not want my draft roster to be the majority for the rounds. I think 1 round is fine...but 0 rounds is actually preferable for me.
Quote from Ram99 >> Dude, it hasn't even dropped yet. Let's ease up on the 'future' and see how it is in the present.
I would point out that if you do a search of the tournaments last year, there were a lot of people who were wanting to use their own teams during these tournaments (so this satisfies both groups)
Let's see how the first few run before we are able to make a proper assessment, eh?
I was only using future as in what would people want changed from what we know. I have no clue when we get the tournament and I am going on the fact he said it will be 2 rounds this week and we miss out on the draft. The main aspect last year was the draft that made it popular (plus the rewards, but idk the rewards this year). However, I am only adding suggestions and asking what others want later on with the info we know. I did not really use Muthead last season besides looking at players stats, so thank you for sharing how people did not like the draft aspect. I am more of the fan of the draft since not everyone can get good teams and I feel Overdrive satisfies that since we use overdrive for the tournament. I do sometimes want to use my lineup I have, but do you want to have to do blitz tournament and HOF grind as well with the same team? It gets boring IMO and since a lot of the game can be boring during no promo. Atleast we have something that can change and give us good time to make something (team builder).
Just conjecture right now...let's see what happens first before determinations are made. To add my 2 cents, I liked the draft last year, but I don't mind playing with the team I built either. Just happy that there is a tournie!
The draft is only 1 round and 2 using your existing lineup. I personally would rather 2 draft rounds and 1 using existing team. I personally always enjoy having drafts since it makes you pick some players you can not get, or want to try out for the future. I think people would also prefer either all draft, or more than 1 round of drafts, or having themed tournaments. A legend only player tournament, or specific programs (Quad Hud players) obviously it would be later in the season, but an idea that could work. Talks about the tournament a bit.
What would you prefer?