
What do I do?????

I just finished Milestone 7 and have 1 crown and 250 crowns. Should I wait for master, or get a diamond 1, or 2 elite 2s?


I just finished Milestone 7 and have 1 crown and 250 crowns. Should I wait for master, or get a diamond 1, or 2 elite 2s?


Quote from OhCaptain20 >> Depending on your team, I would wait for a master if it as me. I did the diamond select and regretted it.

 what did you get out of it?


Should go for MasterZ!


Grab Bag for the win




How many grab bags can you get with that many trophies? I remember buying some of those at baseball card shows as a kid, and they were rarely a scam.


Quote from Kaxyz >> I just finished Milestone 7 and have 1 crown and 250 crowns. Should I wait for master, or get a diamond 1, or 2 elite 2s?

 Spend it all on Elites


Quote from lalo_genie >> Quote from Kaxyz >> Quote from OhCaptain20 >> Depending on your team, I would wait for a master if it as me. I did the diamond select and regretted it.


Quote from Kaxyz >> Quote from OhCaptain20 >> Depending on your team, I would wait for a master if it as me. I did the diamond select and regretted it.

Packed 92 AFC Morse (center)

going for 1m coins....


 i have been trying to sell mine for 980K now for a week now..still hasnt sold


Yeah you don't know what Fortnite is? Ita a battle royale game. Battle pass is a system in the game where you get skins for leveling up. You level up by doing weekly challenges, or buying tiers.


Quote from OhCaptain20 >> Depending on your team, I would wait for a master if it as me. I did the diamond select and regretted it.

Packed 92 AFC Morse (center)

going for 1m coins....



Quote from xElectrifyyy >> I would go diamond, but im the same person  who bought 80 tiers of the Fortnite season 3 battle pass 2 days before it ended. 

80 tiers 150 V-Bucks per tier 1000 V-bucks= $10

I blew 96$ on season 3 when i could have got 80 tiers in season 4 ;(

 is this an app?


I would go diamond, but im the same person  who bought 80 tiers of the Fortnite season 3 battle pass 2 days before it ended. 

80 tiers 150 V-Bucks per tier 1000 V-bucks= $10

I blew 96$ on season 3 when i could have got 80 tiers in season 4 ;(


Depending on your team, I would wait for a master if it as me. I did the diamond select and regretted it.