
Anyone else hate blitz tourny?

Honestly, the only reason people play it is for the easy rewards. When are we actually going to be playing for “FUN”. I have not seen one person mention that this mode is fun. The onuy thig fun is openning the 1 diamond pack a week, or ger a nice master, but what about playing the game to play the game. The game has changed and I have not seen one post saying they love to play the game. This is not be bring negativity, but I can get a diamond easy “cool”. All this is going to do is make diamond 2s more expensive and make diamonds the old elite prices and cheap. 

Maybe this is just me hating the game, or hating a company that has driven a game to a bad place, but obviously I am not wrong if we can barely get 200k people to play 1 event a day.

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