
Quad Hub Question

i have 193 rising star badges, should i

  1. use all of them for the boom or bust pack and hope to pull one of the diamonds  
  2. buy rising stars and sell them  
  3. save up for one of the diamond cards and sell it????

UPDATED: i have 25 unopened main event packs, i have 117 heavyweight badges, 193, rising star badges, 107 Vet badges which will go to zero because i will be buying KJ Wright releasing on the 24th, and 50 flashback badges, i preopened them and none contain the 100x badges for any. So, what would be the best badge to pick, because it is select 2 and i will be selecting the VET Badge for first option, which leaves with one more to select, so which badge should i choose?

also might bump this thread tomorrow morning because its 1 am EST and almost everybody is sleeping

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