Quote from ScottySevere >> Quote from Ari >> I just got him an hour ago.He is fast so im gonna try him at FB for a while,he exchanges for TP so best use for him is in the lineup.
I KNEW he wouldn’t exchange for lights lol
Lol dammit.... Was really hoping
Quote from Ophie83 >> Today
Going to take me all the way till the 10:30 pm one though
Got him last night, he’s pretty fast, but When it comes to route running, Its pretty clear Barry has the upper hand. But for a free HB hes quick
Quote from paski75 >> Do we really need that card ? and this ugly stadium......
Nope. He's not making my team although I'm holding onto him b/c of the tweet about masters.
Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> Quote from danteo0 >> Will have him in 2 days, he gonna be in the FB position anyway since 88 Carson rocking as my HB
for ovr instead of gameplay I guess
You mean other way around? They all play the same more or less anyway so at least I be playing with someone that I like
Quote from ScottySevere >> Quote from Ari >> I just got him an hour ago.He is fast so im gonna try him at FB for a while,he exchanges for TP so best use for him is in the lineup.
I KNEW he wouldn’t exchange for lights lol
Of course...
Quote from danteo0 >> Will have him in 2 days, he gonna be in the FB position anyway since 88 Carson rocking as my HB
for ovr instead of gameplay I guess
Will have him in 2 days, he gonna be in the FB position anyway since 88 Carson rocking as my HB
I get him tomorrow but I don't know if he's a justifiable means of replacing my N/A 92 Barry. The masters boost him well as vice versa.
5 gingerbread short. Last two community packs and the hard one didn’t offer any. So tomorrow I’ll be done with it