I just keep thinking about NFL TOP 100 having 20 golden football select packs for a 92 ovr and 25 golden football select packs for a 94 ovr. They could do something similar with UL in some respect with a lower banner threshold for a lower power card seemingly an easier thing to implement.
Yeah..it looks like the banners are going to be a bottleneck, but these are nice cards I never expected them to come easily.
I like that they are difficult to build. It keeps their value high. If all builds are easy, then all cards are worthless. However you are right that the other currencies are completely pointless. I would love to see sets added for badges/shields/points to build 90s (at least we'd get FO/TP value) or a Grab Bag set. Otherwise, my Recycler is going to get some busy :)
Multiple options of power would be a wise choice to offer, but this UL is going to last the rest of the season most likely with more players coming out. Maybe this is EA's way of telling us that better cards are going to come out and be patient.
P.S, I would love to see more banners available through the win packs but have come to the realization that it will not happen.
Quote from ny2la1 >> agreed, thread title edited.
Need to change the 18 in your post also.
Suggestion is to add 50 power ULs which only need 15 bannners but increase the number of shields. This reduces the pent up frustration while still allowing the hard grinders to get the best cards which they deserve. We can release our frustration for manhy of us who don't have the top teams and just want a couple cool cards. THis is analagous to TOP 100 where we had 20 and 25 Golden Footall sets so they have done this type of stuff before.