Quote from joeyfuture >> nothing is selling right now ... I struggled to sell 75-79 golds today for 2500 after 2pm (mad rush was over and AH was flooded).. I have 80-85's (6 to be exact) sitting on the AH for hours with BIN's of 50k.. those would have been insta sold yesterday..
Quote from Rshoots >> The math on the UF Thread is correct so long as Gold II still sells for 6K net after AH Tax (6,600).
nothing is selling right now ... I struggled to sell 75-79 golds today for 2500 after 2pm (mad rush was over and AH was flooded).. I have 80-85's (6 to be exact) sitting on the AH for hours with BIN's of 50k.. those would have been insta sold yesterday..
The math on the UF Thread is correct so long as Gold II still sells for 6K net after AH Tax (6,600).
I am pretty sure that as long as the Gold II are selling for 5k net or more (5,500), then it is still better to sell Golds. BUt that is so long as Diamond prices stay around 300k.
i have 560 trinkets, what would make the most coins, using all 560 for gold 2s and selling? or make one diamond and use the rest for gold 2s and then sell
before the gold 2 prices were around 10k each so going for all gold 2s was better, now i dont know