
Theme Team Progress: Updated 1/12

Old Team: New Team (1/12) :

grinded the new years promo and got the final card for the best possible current seahawks theme team, in all i spent around 200k and 7000 blitz tokens to get the 95 Lockett, only thing im missing is the FO Michael Dickson and Breakout Lockett just waiting for the playoff promo i have 2.2 mil coins waiting for it


got PO doug baldwin, now its the best current seahawks team possible

didnt want to make a new thread, so instead i updated this thread, wont make a new thread for this, ill just keep on updating you guys on this one


Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Very nice team OP! ET3 will be huge for you. Go Hawks!

 thanks, go hawks!

Very nice team OP! ET3 will be huge for you. Go Hawks!


Quote from chimpandkoala >> Is there any chance that you can get 92 Shaqeum Griffin? If so, he would be a beast with the +1 overall boost.

 He has him, next to ET


Quote from chimpandkoala >> Is there any chance that you can get 92 Shaqeum Griffin? If so, he would be a beast with the +1 overall boost.

 already got him, hes the lolb


Is there any chance that you can get 92 Shaqeum Griffin? If so, he would be a beast with the +1 overall boost.


Quote from viperou >> That awesome.   I always appreciate a dedicated theme team.  That playoff legend ETIII will really help when he comes out.

 thanks! and yeah, i have around 4 mil saved for him Quote from NoahZ1 >> Nice team! Been thinking about making an Eagles theme team

thanks, you should do it


Nice team! Been thinking about making an Eagles theme team


That awesome.   I always appreciate a dedicated theme team.  That playoff legend ETIII will really help when he comes out.


Quote from lunee101 >> Man, EA did Seattle dirty this year. Tre Madden, with 3 rushing yards, gets a 92 OVR. Carson, with 1151 rushing yards (5th in the league), gets a shiny TOTW 88.

 Seattle has a ton of good cards. Carson will get one eventually


Quote from danteo0 >> Quote from lunee101 >> Man, EA did Seattle dirty this year. Tre Madden, with 3 rushing yards, gets a 92 OVR. Carson, with 1151 rushing yards (5th in the league), gets a shiny TOTW 88.

He got a PRIMETIME for a game he didnt even play... was on IR .... this EA mobile team is a complete joke, the devs the QA the designers and the guys that pick the players. But hey, at least we have 12!!! 12 Barry Sanders cards


Quote from lunee101 >> Man, EA did Seattle dirty this year. Tre Madden, with 3 rushing yards, gets a 92 OVR. Carson, with 1151 rushing yards (5th in the league), gets a shiny TOTW 88.

He got a PRIMETIME for a game he didnt even play... was on IR .... this EA mobile team is a complete joke, the devs the QA the designers and the guys that pick the players. But hey, at least we have 12!!! 12 Barry Sanders cards


Quote from lunee101 >> Man, EA did Seattle dirty this year. Tre Madden, with 3 rushing yards, gets a 92 OVR. Carson, with 1151 rushing yards (5th in the league), gets a shiny TOTW 88.



Man, EA did Seattle dirty this year. Tre Madden, with 3 rushing yards, gets a 92 OVR. Carson, with 1151 rushing yards (5th in the league), gets a shiny TOTW 88.


Quote from danteo0 >> Very nice team OP! You could add Hutch and Kam, and new Earl when he comes that should also boost everyone. The sad part is EA made schemes and they are useless, look at your team its a joke scheme wise... who was the genius in EA to think about it, it totally gives you an unfair disadvantage VS teams with same scheme roster, thus forcing you to NOT pick players that you like

thanks! and yeah, my team is a so bad when it comes to scheme, and im only doing seahawk players that played this season only, maybe ill add them when season ends for my legacy team


Very nice team OP! You could add Hutch and Kam, and new Earl when he comes that should also boost everyone. The sad part is EA made schemes and they are useless, look at your team its a joke scheme wise... who was the genius in EA to think about it, it totally gives you an unfair disadvantage VS teams with same scheme roster, thus forcing you to NOT pick players that you like


updated 1/12


Well done.  I wish I had enough coin to build my Rams team completely.


Brave man,i had a hawks team last year when training was possible.This year its just sad to run 73 ovr golds and not be able to upgrade.Thou,i already gave up on OD,if i give up on league matches i might just do what you did.


Quote from GrazDozTrez >> I love a theme team, before the AH got all roboted it was much better.  Smashing multiple accounts having a contender and a theme team. Now it's hard enough F2P grinding one account let alone two.

I usually sell everything for a legacy theme team.  Although, Lions are dreadful, so not sure I want an all bronze team ;-(

 LOL thats how i felt last year when seahawks had no good cards because they missed the playoffs and were performing not so good


I love a theme team, before the AH got all roboted it was much better.  Smashing multiple accounts having a contender and a theme team. Now it's hard enough F2P grinding one account let alone two.

I usually sell everything for a legacy theme team.  Although, Lions are dreadful, so not sure I want an all bronze team ;-(