The league is presently FULL....the game will not allow me to accept any invites until we drop below 32 members...
Thank you to those who joined! That only took about 42 hours...I'm shocked....
29 members have joined in about 36 hours...ty guys for joining....only 3 spots left! Sign up....give us a try....
Ty players who just joined...if you don't like the league...just hard feelings. ...ty for test driving....and if you score 0 in lvl, you don't have to quit the league. try...that's all that matters to me...
Only 10 spots left after 24 hours....I've recruited 8 members in the last hour...get in while there's room....10 spots are open...
Challenge lovers.... spend only 10 stamina and 2 minutes....earn 90 mc and grEAt packs. ...please join my league. ...up to 14 members after 22 hours...lots of spots to fill....the league is run by very active members...all events will be 24/7....join a league where the commissioner knows what he is doing...
One must try your best to play the daily challenge. ...Lvl would be good too but I want the hard challenges beat....if this sounds good to you then join
I'm laid back. ....the league I was in was ranked 12,000 or commissioner went I said f this and I left. i worked hard to build up that league...started my own league....I'm 105 prior to the draft.....please join me.....I want to build up a good league of guys that PLAY THE CHALLENGE....
I know it's late...but Trouble825 is recruiting.......come on.....this is for 2019 and beyond.....join my league. ....I am the commissioner .....