Posted by idunno13 idunno137 years ago

Assassins Bureau Survivors Minor (rank #595) recruiting 86+ overall! Minor league to rank #130!

Looking for an active and competitive league? Want to stay competitive without sacrificing having fun? Come join Assassins Bureau Survivors Minor. We started our league in March of last season and ended with a record of 98-55. Once we got our core group of players established at the end of the season the wins started racking up, so we are a league on the rise. We take pride in helping each other out, giving advice when needed and sharing tips when they're found. Come on over if you want to help us rise up in the ranks!

We are also the minor league to Assassins Bureau Survivors ranked #140 and you'll have the opportunity to work your way up! ABS recruitment thread is


Quote from rtanuvasa19 >> My user is ReedyBeepBop (changing soon cause wtf)  I'm HoF 2x now and near 500-1,001 surprisingly low ovr for the guys I go against and beat. Wont let you down. As my team gets better, I get better than most.  82 ovr off/81 def HoF 2x (getting more every season) Lv 30 Complete any and all live events as they come each day

 Sorry, overall requirements are pretty firm for us. Keep working on your team and check back in with us though, there are a lot of good elite 2's for low prices that can help you get there.


My user is ReedyBeepBop (changing soon cause wtf)  I'm HoF 2x now and near 500-1,001 surprisingly low ovr for the guys I go against and beat. Wont let you down. As my team gets better, I get better than most.  82 ovr off/81 def HoF 2x (getting more every season) Lv 30 Complete any and all live events as they come each day


Keep it on the first page




Let's stay on the 1st page, still looking for 4


Bumping it up! 4 spots still open!


Yes, it is Peluchamp


Quote from Peluchamp >> Hello. I want to join your league. I have an 85 OVR. Can you save me a spot for tomorrow eve? I want to win my current league championship first. Thanks!

 sure can, if you let me know your in game name I can send an invite and you can accept when you're ready


Hello. I want to join your league. I have an 85 OVR. Can you save me a spot for tomorrow eve? I want to win my current league championship first. Thanks!


Still looking 👀


Just had a few callups and a few removals for inactivity. 3 spots available!


I didn't think so, leagues forum is dead man, lol


Nope we arent


Quote from idunno13 >> Is there anybody out there?

 Is there anybody listening to me?


Openings available!


Whats your league level?


Quote from scbrain >> Hey Assassins,

I am looking for a new league. I was in a league from last year but it disintegrated, so I joined another one. (You actually have some guys from my first league - it was Wisconsin Frontier.) My new league is ranked about #110 and it's ok, but they only focus on LvL, and not on survival. We've dropped survival twice since I joined two weeks ago, which I don't like because survival is so easy.  I am happy to do LvL, but survival actually gives good rewards for F2P. So I am looking for a league that emphasizes both.

Does your league require both?

I am 86 OVR, 88 O, 86 D. I have been scoring 24 points a day since this new season began, because LvL is so easy. You just run every down. I think I got 22 a few times when the defense got lucky on a 2 pt conversion.


Is there anybody out there?


I'm interested, can you add me the league? My OVR is 80, i play all days, nick: Nayran


A few more spots left