My name is Colt and I am an admin in a newly founded league called Hitstick Mafia.
We are recruiting! Our requirements are not extensive since we are so new. All that they comprise is that you must be at least level 15 and at least a 75 OVR.
The admins and commish who are in charge are all very active. We are here to help more inexperienced members grow and become even better. We have a few simple rules: 1) Participate in LVL and survival (so we can get rewards!) 2) be active daily 3) no drama 4) have fun 5) ask for questions/advice whenever you need it 6) admin is earned through extensive trust and participation
Also, Discord is a requirement for this league. It's much easier to use than the game chat and it helps us build community as a league. Our code is as follows: https://discord.gg/ybMrDnb
We hope to see y'all there! Just request to join and we will happily accept.
Bobcat Gang is a new league building up! Looking for active members. Come join we are Bobcat Gang with the green cat logo
Got 2 accounts, both 85 overall. I know that may sound low but I play all my league drives when we get one started, same with the league challenges.