After nearly two years, it's time for me to leave this site for good, so here's a little goodbye giveaway.
In order to enter, simply tell me your favorite artist/song. (trying to refresh my playlists lol)
There are no set amounts to be given away; I'm going to take the remaining MHC I have and divide it by the number of posts on this thread, and give that amount to everyone who posted. e.g. 13.23 MHC / 20 posts = .66 MHC per poster. That being said, posting multiple times does not mean multiple MHC rewards.
MHC will be distributed on Sunday(1/5) at 10:30 PM PST.
Thanks to everyone who made my time on this site worthwhile, and special thanks to the BLITZ clan, it's been one hell of a ride.
After nearly two years, it's time for me to leave this site for good, so here's a little goodbye giveaway.
In order to enter, simply tell me your favorite artist/song. (trying to refresh my playlists lol)
There are no set amounts to be given away; I'm going to take the remaining MHC I have and divide it by the number of posts on this thread, and give that amount to everyone who posted. e.g. 13.23 MHC / 20 posts = .66 MHC per poster. That being said, posting multiple times does not mean multiple MHC rewards.
MHC will be distributed on Sunday(1/5) at 10:30 PM PST.
Thanks to everyone who made my time on this site worthwhile, and special thanks to the BLITZ clan, it's been one hell of a ride.
Happy posting!