

Hello. So. You probally read that title. Yes, i play pickems. Been good the past few days. Ever since I saw LSUmc do this I wanted to build up my stack a lil to do it. 

Every day I will be playing pickems and for now MLB bets in the bethouse. Everyday I profit mhc, you have a chance to win daily. You just post anything, maybe tell me how have you been or something but if you spam the thread and I see you taking up half of the posts, you will be disqualified automatically.

Each day there will be 2 rngs daily. 1 for the winner (Every 2mhc given daily is another winner, 3mhc 2 winners of 1.5, etc) The other rng determines how much % of my profit that day I will giveaway. In an rng, I will put 5thru20. Whatever number comes out is the amount of profit I will giveaway. I will do both rngs when pickems pay (weekdays may not be until 3et tho) That rng will be the winner and the amount of profit I will giveaway that next day. Hope this maked sense. I will reserve posts 2-4

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