Quote from TheFit1 >> How hard would it be to create a database where MHC transactions would be kept, be able to be verified and then later referenced by EA??? 🤔
agreed. but it's probable mh proposed it but ea denied it and just doesn't want mhc to have in-game value anymore
Quote from Nolster99 >> So is mhc trades different from what is was a few days ago. It was also taking a risk to be banned if you trade. Are they being more strict about it now, or are you like now allowed to trade on MH anymore?
How hard would it be to create a database where MHC transactions would be kept, be able to be verified and then later referenced by EA??? 🤔
Quote from TCFreeney93 >> Muthead to the pit of misery...
dilly dilly
Dilly, Dilly!
Quote from TCFreeney93 >> Muthead to the pit of misery...
dilly dilly
LMAOOOOOOOOO--- the winning post TC!
Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from
Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from
Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from verdunbuldogs >>
Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Raffles aren't even a good substitute. I think people will agree with that.
Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Raffles aren't even a good substitute. I think people will agree with that.
Quote from panduh18 >> Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Raffles aren't even a good substitute. I think people will agree with that.
Quote from verdunbuldogs >> Quote from panduh18 >> Raffles aren't even a good substitute. I think people will agree with that.
it was prob just a temeporary urgency substitute to let them find time to find a real good one
If you worked for MH or EA, how would you handle this? like how would you make MHC valuable
Quote from colton_toy >> Quote from ArrowofAres >> All the people with a bunch of mhc saying this changes nothing.... my sides hurt
Feel free to make my day and send me your MHC :)
Or me.. LOL
Quote from panduh18 >> Raffles aren't even a good substitute. I think people will agree with that.
it was prob just a temeporary urgency substitute to let them find time to find a real good one
Quote from ArrowofAres >> Colton. You wouldnt believe it but i started with 1.5 mhc on a ccb and won enough pickem to get to this from that amount. Had 40 plus before the pats lost all from 1.5 mhc to start. But i will give them to a clan member before someone else. Plus i need an icon.
Buy an icon and then you can join my clan for free :TROLL:
I had over 50 MHC. That's not a lot compared to some of the guys around here but it was a lot for me. Invested it all into KING and then the rest has gone to giveaways. I started with just a little bit too. Wish I had closer to my 50 again but I have no regrets on spending it on my clan and through all the giveaways I've done. I personally don't believe it is "dead" so I'll still be trying to increase my stack.
Colton. You wouldnt believe it but i started with 1.5 mhc on a ccb and won enough pickem to get to this from that amount. Had 40 plus before the pats lost all from 1.5 mhc to start. But i will give them to a clan member before someone else. Plus i need an icon.
https://www.muthead.com/forums/mh-credits/mh-credit-help-and-information/1323591-update-on-mh-credits Read Rocketz PSA thing above ^^^ Disappointed.