(PACK) Ultimate NBA 1 v 1 contest giveaway Closed to entrants
I’ve Been planning this for a while now An now it’s time for the ultimate contest of who’s better..Would prime Kobe beat prime Jordan?
Can step shoot lights out An crush all adversaries! Well it’s time to find out
So this is how it will go:
There are 32 players mixed with past An present NBA players,Jus say IN to be added and when I have 32 entrants I will Randomize An match you with one of the NBA players
This contest is based on a 1 v 1 matchup to 21
Will be a bracket system an each day two competitors face off An you must try to convince people on muthead why your player would win
I want this to be a fun concept so please be respectful
I’ve Been planning this for a while now An now it’s time for the ultimate contest of who’s better..Would prime Kobe beat prime Jordan? Can step shoot lights out An crush all adversaries! Well it’s time to find out
So this is how it will go: There are 32 players mixed with past An present NBA players,Jus say IN to be added and when I have 32 entrants I will Randomize An match you with one of the NBA players This contest is based on a 1 v 1 matchup to 21 Will be a bracket system an each day two competitors face off An you must try to convince people on muthead why your player would win I want this to be a fun concept so please be respectful
Prizes: 1st place 1.50 :mc: 2nd palace 1.00 :mc: