Wow this is depressing. Eas selfishness is ruining madden. I used to live on the game but haven’t bought it in two years. I started mut 23 last night because it’s free and I absolutely hate it mut 21 was ok and before that it was fun but to see all this new,broken, funky stuff and still see all the old problems is truly a sign of how much ea cares about what the consumers want. They couldn’t stand the idea of transactions being done of any kind and anyway at all unless it goes through there pockets and that’s all they work on….make it harder to coin sell (coin sellers don’t bother me personally but I don’t trust them) and make sure they can’t farm as efficiently and change some skins and send the same mfkin game back out. I do not miss madden and that’s sad. I miss all y’all though! Especially ballzy I think was his name. Was a great community member and I hope he is doing well!
People still use it for legacy madden tradings, but expect to send the mhc first in every trade unless you’re super legit with them. Or use trusted middlemen. *middleperson?
Wow this is sad, they used to be like gold. My first time getting on here in few years and sad to see this. You wanted good players you had to pay good mhcs.. think they used to be roughly 3-4 dollars if not more for 1 mhc. I popped in to see if they still do the sports betting with mhcs but guess not,only Pickens looks like
Man I miss the days of mhc being valuable but like others have said unless you are interested In raffles they have 0 value and if people are still trading or selling for players you will eventually get banned. I got ah banned for this two maddens ago and never bought the game again. I still pop in on muthead because I do miss muthead but not madden…..not madden at all.
Like 5k in mut, in money 0.0000000000000001 dollars
Edited by saintssaints1234
Any idea