
*Closed winners paid* CheapBoyz Birthday giveaway

Today is my 16th birthday If you live in the New York City area watch out cuz I may be on the roads in the near future

Due to a generous donation from Ballsy I can do a giveaway so thank you Ballsy. I will be giving away 2.15 :mc: I will hand pick the winners to the following questions

1) What is your favorite birthday present and why? Prize .55 :mc:

2) What is the worst birthday present and why? Prize: .5 :mc:

3) What is the best non-present thing to happen to you on your bday? Prize .55 :mc:

4) What is the worst thing to happen to you on your bday? .55 :mc:

Requirements:  100 posts or more No MHMA can enter 

I will close tommorow or thursday depending on number of entries. You can win more then one question up there. Go!

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