Today is my 16th birthday
If you live in the New York City area watch out cuz I may be on the roads in the near future
Due to a generous donation from Ballsy I can do a giveaway so thank you Ballsy. I will be giving away
2.15 :mc:
I will hand pick the winners to the following questions
1) What is your favorite birthday present and why?
Prize .55 :mc:
2) What is the worst birthday present and why? Prize: .5 :mc:
3) What is the best non-present thing to happen to you on your bday? Prize .55 :mc:
4) What is the worst thing to happen to you on your bday? .55 :mc:
100 posts or more
No MHMA can enter
I will close tommorow or thursday depending on number of entries. You can win more then one question up there.
Today is my 16th birthday If you live in the New York City area watch out cuz I may be on the roads in the near future
Due to a generous donation from Ballsy I can do a giveaway so thank you Ballsy. I will be giving away 2.15 :mc: I will hand pick the winners to the following questions
1) What is your favorite birthday present and why? Prize .55 :mc:
2) What is the worst birthday present and why? Prize: .5 :mc:
3) What is the best non-present thing to happen to you on your bday? Prize .55 :mc:
4) What is the worst thing to happen to you on your bday? .55 :mc:
Requirements: 100 posts or more No MHMA can enter
I will close tommorow or thursday depending on number of entries. You can win more then one question up there. Go!