
1.7M coins for MHC *Closed*

I've been selling off cards and have 1.7M coins available (and hopefully more coming) for MHC.  Please PM me with offers and a link to your rep thread.

I've only been here a short time but have three successful transactions - here is my rep thread, the last user I traded with was MileHighMut and although he didn't post in my thread all went well.

My Rep/Vouch Thread


 - PaulieV


I've been selling off cards and have 1.7M coins available (and hopefully more coming) for MHC.  Please PM me with offers and a link to your rep thread.

I've only been here a short time but have three successful transactions - here is my rep thread, the last user I traded with was MileHighMut and although he didn't post in my thread all went well.

My Rep/Vouch Thread


 - PaulieV


Nice work Paulie!


Completed the transaction with 99balla99 that we agreed to earlier today.  He sent MHC and I sent 2M coins.  At the moment I'm essentially out of coins but have more items to sell.  Will post a new thread if/when I have more to trade.

Thanks to all who helped get this done!!

 - Paulie V


Increased my coin total to over 3M and just completed a sale for 1.65M with TBEET.  Still holding 2M coins for my initial offer.  If anything changes will be sure to update this thread


 - Paulie V



My coin total is now up to 2M and I have a deal pending for all 2M coins.  As of the moment I consider the coins to be the property of the initial bidder.

I am still listening to additional offers and should something fall through with my original deal I will consider matching bids in the order in which I was contacted.

Also, I am still selling off assets and will continue to offer coins for sale as they become available.


 - Paulie V


Same, and sent a pm


Quote from pauliev31 >> I've been selling off cards and have 1.7M coins available (and hopefully more coming) for MHC.  Please PM me with offers and a link to your rep thread.

I've only been here a short time but have three successful transactions - here is my rep thread, the last user I traded with was MileHighMut and although he didn't post in my thread all went well.

My Rep/Vouch Thread


 - PaulieV

 I'm interested. What's your rate?