
Wanting to buy 1 MHC

Looking to buy 1 MHC.  It appears the going rate is 35K per MHC.  Can do the trade at any time.  Feel free to PM me.



Looking to buy 1 MHC.  It appears the going rate is 35K per MHC.  Can do the trade at any time.  Feel free to PM me.


I’m on Xbox and I’ll do it for 35k


Quote from Dirk26 >> Quote from Ballsy >> Here bro. 1 mhc coming right at ya!

 DUDE!  You the man!  I see you're only on PS4?  I gotta find a way to hook you up.  As soon as I get another contribution bonus it's coming back your way.  

 Don’t worry about it bro, pay it forward to the next guy!


Quote from Ballsy >> Here bro. 1 mhc coming right at ya!

 DUDE!  You the man!  I see you're only on PS4?  I gotta find a way to hook you up.  As soon as I get another contribution bonus it's coming back your way.


Here bro. 1 mhc coming right at ya!