
Looking for LTD 95 Kareem Jackson

I have the coins, I just haven't seen this guy on the auction block in months.


I have the coins, I just haven't seen this guy on the auction block in months.


That is true, it sucks that it happened. But I can't pretend like I'm not excited lol


OMG!   Totally been there.  That said, for a card you really want, coins are meaningless.  Hope you get the card


Literally, one just posted lol. I was using the companion app, selected "compare", and now I'm bidding on a card nearly 200K above value smh... thanks big fingers


I just saw one last week for about 30 minutes.  Considered buying it.  Had not seen one is a long time before that.  In month of April he sold 3 times.  

That is a rare card right there