

I recently got a 96 Draft Kerrigan. I have no use for him due to getting Justin Houston Power Up.

Does anybody want him?

I'll be on tomorrow; 4/5, from 3 to 4 EST, and usually every day except Wednesday and Saturday, and of course today, 4/4

If anyone has 93 Ghost Quenton Nelson, 97 SB Elway, or UL Atwater, or pretty much any higher card; 96+; we could make a trade.

My GT is SeventyTiger87



I recently got a 96 Draft Kerrigan. I have no use for him due to getting Justin Houston Power Up.

Does anybody want him?

I'll be on tomorrow; 4/5, from 3 to 4 EST, and usually every day except Wednesday and Saturday, and of course today, 4/4

If anyone has 93 Ghost Quenton Nelson, 97 SB Elway, or UL Atwater, or pretty much any higher card; 96+; we could make a trade.

My GT is SeventyTiger87
