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I have one and he is all yours, I'm not excepting money or trades.
Shoot me a DM bud I'll be more than happy to pay you for him
Edited by Slammer4244
I had used my power up pass also but pulled it out of the card I had used it on and used it on Alstott instead.
The card I previously had used it on was like Cliff Harris who I could buy for 35K so was a no brainer.
Oh yeah i would have to sad part is i have no clue who i used it on it was so long ago and i don't want to power anyone down yet to find it.I wish we had a PUP pass tracker it would make things so much
Dang I pulled one yesterday and posted it for 200k
when I get off work in 2h I'll check if I got it or it is PUP I used on him... if its the card I'll give it to you for free
Sounds good man no worries if not but if you do shoot me a DM and i'll Buy him from you for sure if its his 50 card
It’s against the TOS to buy cards.
Jus sayin’…
I’d rephrase and state you’re willing to trade MHC, which then should be moved to the trade forums.
Again, Jus’ sayin’….
Last i checked and was 100% confirmed from EA you could buy any card with coins.....Jus sayin
Also if indeed i asked in this thread anything about MHC then yes i would have done it in the MHC forums but i never said anything in the OP about that so therefore its in the correct place....Jus sayin
Thanks for the help though as always have a wonderful day good sir.
he just wanted someone to post one on the auction house at a reasonable price, lol. he's also a mod and that is not against tos
Its all good man him as well as others are fully aware of both of these i assure you.
Edited by Slammer4244
if i see one i'll buy him for you slam
Thanks for looking out bud i have the coins to buy him just not going to pay 500k this late in the year.
looks like he's been selling for around 200k, maybe keep looking, otherwise i'll buy him for you sometime today
Yeah he has been and i will for sure and thanks bud but don't have to do that for what that one up on the AH is that's way to much for that card this late.I'll hold off one will pop up sooner or later.
Dang Slam too bad he’s on my team, I’d give him to ya. I’ll keep an eye out for one
If you were PS4 I give you one. Good luck
I would check out the mut trading forums
Already did and did not see any that's why i'm looking here to Buy one.Plus never asked to trade for one.Thanks for the help though have a wonderful day.
Edited by Slammer4244
This is the wrong forum to ask for trades in.
Also you could easily build him by collecting the set pieces for way less than 500k, but I guess using your reputation here as a crutch to post in the wrong forum and ask for handouts is a much easier approach. Good luck, I’m sure somebody will give him to you for free.
Once again nowhere in this thread am i asking for a trade or hand out.Thanks again for your help.
“ if your done with madden and looking to move one cheap enough Let me know please”
I’ve seen dozens of these requests locked, moved, and removed from this forum. But yeah.
Fixed the title for you.Hope its better to your liking and to the point for what i'm looking to do.Good day good sir.
Not going to pay 500k in coins for one but if your done with madden and looking to move one cheap enough Let me know please.Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day everyone.Just need this card to be able to max him out.Yes i have already used the PUP PASS needed for this OVR.