
Weak Content - No new XP cap

if youre already at level 60 and have the team you want, why keep playing? Motivation is lacking but was looking forward to a nice update tomorrow. Now thats out the window. Im just lost on what keeps someone motivated to keep playing? Bout to head back to 2k and i hate to bc madden is a good game. But no reason to keep grinding if theres nothing to grind for.


Okay but if they did raise the cap five levels to get Ricky up to 95, people would complain about how he is only one overall better what’s the point, and then if it was 10 levels, people would complain Ricky was too op, like there isn’t any winning there. I don’t like ea but that decision makes complete sense


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if youre already at level 60 and have the team you want, why keep playing? Motivation is lacking but was looking forward to a nice update tomorrow. Now thats out the window. Im just lost on what keeps someone motivated to keep playing? Bout to head back to 2k and i hate to bc madden is a good game. But no reason to keep grinding if theres nothing to grind for.