Quote from bmp83 >> The heavyweight/flashback/veteran sets are the only thing you can use them for and they became a rip off after series one. Heck series 1 was risky enough. Now if you’re doing those sets you are really wasting cards unless you some how have that many NATs.
They were not really a rip-off for Series 1 and 2 ..... if you had the training points to spare you could make those sets pretty cheap
I just did. I was able to get some 84's for 10-12K and have plenty of NAT's available above that. Not that I'm too eager to get rid of them. Havne't really used the power up thing yet, but I'm thinking I may start. We'll see.
Yea I made a handful of elites and golds. Better to make some prior to the added requirements.
I have 14 right now. Going to save them for awhile to give me something to look forward to. Should’ve made more last night when they were cheap.
Quote from martyr1968 >> Quote from MattyRey47 >> Quote from martyr1968 >> What I did was make sets before they change ....If sets are going to now take 3 elites instead, for example...or 3 golds instead of 2....so I made a few heavyweight sets and didn't open the packs..
Quote from MattyRey47 >> Quote from martyr1968 >> What I did was make sets before they change ....If sets are going to now take 3 elites instead, for example...or 3 golds instead of 2....so I made a few heavyweight sets and didn't open the packs..
I'll open them later today , hopefully they will take out 88's and make the packs give 89's and up
Quote from martyr1968 >> What I did was make sets before they change ....If sets are going to now take 3 elites instead, for example...or 3 golds instead of 2....so I made a few heavyweight sets and didn't open the packs..
I'll open them later today , hopefully they will take out 88's and make the packs give 89's and up
Interested to know if this works out, last year they changed the packs so you could get the 88’s if you made them before
What I did was make sets before they change ....If sets are going to now take 3 elites instead, for example...or 3 golds instead of 2....so I made a few heavyweight sets and didn't open the packs..
I'll open them later today , hopefully they will take out 88's and make the packs give 89's and up
8 here as well and a ton of golds. Been sitting on a full binder for a while so I figured it was time.
anticipating them to up that set and the cost of the token sets while pulling 88’s from fb/heavyweight so I built 9 cheap last night
anticipating them to up that set and the cost of the token sets while pulling 88’s from fb/heavyweight so I built 9 cheap last night