I run a lot of Dime packages, so my CB4 is pretty important (currently have MF Ward there). CB5 never sees the field, so I just have 88 Darius Slay there for chem purposes.
Mine are as listed...
CB 1 - 98 Mel Blount CB 2 - 98 Rod Woodson CB 3 - 93 Jimmy Smith CB 4 - 92 Xavier Rhodes CB 5 - 91 Byron Jones
So, to answer your question....not much because my 4th/5th are NAT.
I run a 45/50 Seahawks theme with two non-theme CBs tucked in my lineup. I like to be able to stash a good Slot CB2 in for Dime and Dollar but for the last few months I haven't had the space.
So I'm just using 86 Shaquill Griffin there, who is fairly fast but terrible in coverage and he does alright-ish. I'm hoping he gets a decent Playoffs card as I don't think I'll be able to free up a spot for a while (plus he has really balled out this year.)
If I did have a slot I would probably stick Rod Woodson in there, my current starting 3 are Sherman, Blount, and NTL. I had Woodson but replaced him with Blount as I love tall physical corners.
Quote from Syph >> Theme team. Have no MLB higher than 75. So I sit in Dime and my 5th corner gets subbed in as SS because he's faster and becomes FS2. At the least I think your 4th forever should be your fastest corner. I got that ZC Jon Jones. Even in WL he'll get exposed and let receiver get open but the 4th option for the O typically isn't faster so he will chase it down and swat or get the occasional surprise pick.
The moment I read “no MLB higher than 75” I knew you were a fellow Patriots theme team. 😂 I ended up going 25/25 Patriots and Ravens and they compliment each other very well.
Right now I have 98 Blount, 97 Woodson, 96 NTL, 95 Haden, and 91 Slay. Each year I typically I have a solid CB1through CB4. The 4th is usually a slightly lower overall than my top 3, but still good enough to play in dime and occasionally a nickle package. I always use my 5th as a boost to scheme chems or for Steelers team chem (last year was rising star Hilton for scheme and Steelers chems). Since my main is 33/50 and I don’t want to be higher so I currently use Slay here. The only reason I have Slay and not someone at a slightly lower overall is because he was in my top 3 for a while this year and I didn’t feel like powering him down. I’m fortunate there are 3 top tier Steelers corners out right now that I feel comfortable using in any situation. In some situations using Dime, I will have Blount, Woodson and Haden as my CBs with NTL as a safety so I can have someone with better coverage stats deep.
Theme team. Have no MLB higher than 75. So I sit in Dime and my 5th corner gets subbed in as SS because he's faster and becomes FS2. At the least I think your 4th forever should be your fastest corner. I got that ZC Jon Jones. Even in WL he'll get exposed and let receiver get open but the 4th option for the O typically isn't faster so he will chase it down and swat or get the occasional surprise pick.
4th CB (Sanders) gets subbed in at safety, 5th CB (Mike Evans) is a depth guy / CB user type.
as others have said....and like many other positions....just for chem purposes
Quote from jcsteel66 >> My 4th CB is Deion Sanders. My top 3 are Mel Blount (98), Rod Woodson (97) & Night Train Lane (96). I like the depth.
Same top 3 as me, although I have Haden as 4 and Ward as 5, simply because Ward was my #1 until I upgraded Blunt and played well.
Like the majority of everyone in here, none at all. Just use those slots for chems. Those guys never see the field.
Quote from n1e >> I’m hurting at corner, still running Gilmore and have him chemmed up to 91 speed but its not good enough with all the new receivers :(
Here's to hoping he finally gets an upgrade with the playoff promo...
Fourth and fifth I purely use as team chemistry slots. I almost never need them during games.
Just curious to see. My fourth is still 92 Jalen Ramsey and fifth is K Williams most feared card cause I run a niners theme. I do have Sherman at 97 Deion at 96 and Woodson at 97 at the other three spots so not sure how much it matters. Theme team or not opinions welcomed. Thank you