
Simple guide to mediocre

I want to try help out people, either if its in PM or in this thread.  I want you to be most effective as possible and spent little time to get things done. 

I used to be a really terrible player just buying coins/packs in 16,17 and somewhat 18 to beeing a below average player now :lol: 

So first off heres my lineup

Everything is NAT, except Tony Gonzalez plus i have 3.5m coins. 

I spent the following money on packs: All level packs except the last one with 88s in it.. 3 weekly elite packs 500 points (packed on antonio brown QS card) and 1 fantasy legend pack 1500 points + promo packs for like 150 points if they had that and maybe 350 for Zero Chill. All in all, thats not a whole lot in my opinion for Ultimate Team. 

Anyone can have this team if you do what I do.

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