Quote from BigMeanPossum >> Man I bet I pull a cheap dude.
Same, I cant wait to pull my Lorenzo Neal
Quote from Y4wgm0th >> Quote from Ninjacrooks >> i am leaving for a week on friday and get the full legend on thursday. im gonna hold until i return for a shot at week after nexts ltd. if anything, your gonna see legends drop a lot this weekend bc of the full legend packs. maybe prices rebound.
Are full legend packs better/different from the ones currently in the store?
Screw it. I'm pulling mine right away. Either way its a win win situation.
Plan on waiting until Saturday to open. Probably just end up with a Derrick Brooks tho
Why hold out just open it and call it a day. You either could keep it, sell it for coins or quick sell for TP. If you hold it longer better non-legends cards will come out. In Feb. ultimate legend will be here. Just enjoy it if you plan on keeping it. Or make some coins if you plan on selling it.
Quote from Ninjacrooks >> i am leaving for a week on friday and get the full legend on thursday. im gonna hold until i return for a shot at week after nexts ltd. if anything, your gonna see legends drop a lot this weekend bc of the full legend packs. maybe prices rebound.
Are full legend packs better/different from the ones currently in the store?
Quote from basebaldy1 >> going to hang onto it for a while
Me too untill another broncos legends comes out. What heck am I saying I’ll end up pulling Bruce Smith
i am leaving for a week on friday and get the full legend on thursday. im gonna hold until i return for a shot at week after nexts ltd. if anything, your gonna see legends drop a lot this weekend bc of the full legend packs. maybe prices rebound.
Is anybody else gonna hold there free legend till Saturday in hopes of a LTD or new legend?