I usually have so much fun switching through different backs during the mut season. This year it's tough bc ricky is just too damn good. I did grab LT this weekend to put behind him. It's been a fun duo. But, walter P can certainly take LT's spot.
i have Ricky also but if i could quicksell him i would in a heartbeat. Sweetness is just too good to pass up on. Ricky will be my backup the rest of the year.
Quote from iSuNkIZt >>
Boy I remember his 48 hr card in M15 and his ultimate legend in M25... my favourite RB of all time... Sweetness.
No screen shot, just a photo of him smiling looking back wearing a headband.
I’m glad it’s a running back only because I wanted to pick up Hero Conner and TD Bell. Hopefully this makes their prices drop under 200k a good amount!
Quote from bbqchicken608 >> They changed the screen photo now and added his photo. I couldn’t care less, but whatever.
got a screen shot of it?
They changed the screen photo now and added his photo. I couldn’t care less, but whatever.
... and if Walter doesn't have a physical chem slot he is useless to end-gamers.
Quote from thedullsound >> I hate the thanksgiving promos generally. But I’m all about that Black Friday blitz!!!
Indeed. Hoping they bring back the insane flash sales from Madden 17
I hate the thanksgiving promos generally. But I’m all about that Black Friday blitz!!!
There is certainly some truth to that. Especially if it’s Sweetness in an already over saturated HB position.