
Best use of gingerbread collectibles?

Hey guys, just looking for a little advice tossing these around. Taking about a 5 month break and basically just trying to stack coins/players to exchange, depending on which will be the most beneficial. I have about 100 gingerbread men,

I can exchange for about 33 Petersons -if I exchange now for Ghost of Presents (cheapest being at 150k) I could make roughly 1.8m -I could do OOPs with roughly the same outcome (assuming I get all of the cheapest cards) -Roll the dice on ZC 92-94, depends on who I pull more frequently that one is a bit harder to calculate -Or the last one is hold on to them and wait for the next series to use one of those exchange sets, again hard to calculate that one

I can also exchange for about 16 Hendricks -I could do Ghost of Past 5 times (cheapest being roughly 290k) come out with about 1.35m but the most expensive is 420k right now so the margin would be larger depending on who I pull

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