
Thanks EA for the free legend!

I'll gladly take it :D


Free? No you have to work for it. Free is food stamps.


Nice man.


Nice, id be so pumped if that was my legend pull! Im a huge chargers fan and had a real LT jersey when he was on our team and setting all those records. Id gladly keep him on the squad and sell flashback coleman. Also, deion would be nice i need a new cb1. But of course im expecting one of the 90s




Congrats op!


I play the game in my free time, so yeah, it's a free legend. :grin:


Should have waited for the new legends Saturday, but nice pull nonetheless.


Madden is not the only game out there that I could play.  I like to spread the almighty dollar and buy different games.


Nope I'm happy with one. but you could have more if you would like!!!


Quote from Steelcurtain_86 >> No I won't do that I'm satisfied with one main account. You can if you want the 5 free legends........

 what's wrong with you that you don't want more FREE legends?


No I won't do that I'm satisfied with one main account. You can if you want the 5 free legends........


lol you guys should do every solo, it's free coins, and when you're done with your main account do it all again on 4 more, it's FREE


I did allmost all of the solos so far on my phone while watch sports or a tv show. I don’t understand why people complain about free stuff.


Yes it's free and definitely earned, I love it, will get mine tonight. was going to wait till Saturday but......


Wow.... There wasn't this much complaining when they gave everyone a Marshawn Lynch for Journey a few years ago.... If you play the game.. you receive a legend that didn't cost you coins or money... What the heck else are you doing on the game?? And they give you coins for each solo!! πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ...  So yes.. it's free because you're receiving a valuable item at no in game cost...  Oh so you have to play some easy Arcade solos on chew clock... These solos are EASY!!! be glad they didn't put competitive mode on any of them.( For Joyride, The first batch not so much)I have a full time job and I still found the time to do all the Journey solos throughout the season..bit by bit every day instead of grinding them all at once...   Man... lol...  Some of us only play solos in this game .  Some only play H2H ( and you get rewards that solos grinders don't )  You play the game , you get a reward, and it didnt cost you a single coin or any of your money...  so imo, that's a free legend that most of you are going to sell anyway...


Or maybe CC or Bettis


I can't wait to pull Ted Hendricks on Saturday.