Quote from tts42572 >> Quote from SukAtMut >> You need 95,000 points and only 4 games to do it in. Good luck on this one
That's garbage.
I'll probably try them but not gonna kill myself to do these things. And will probably end up skipping some as I have no interest in playing 4 games every day.
Yeah but there are different multipliers
Quote from Blue7Gaming >> Quote from GolfWang1600 >> Because Madden has to compete with family time, the limited time stuff during the holidays is disgusting imo.
Bro, relax. You don't have to do it. It is not competing with anything. That's like saying anything on TV is pathetic because it competes with family time.
If you hate EA or the game, just go away.
Quote from GolfWang1600 >> Because Madden has to compete with family time, the limited time stuff during the holidays is disgusting imo.
Have to agree. Sucks that they do these limited time events when most people have other commitments. Would have rather seen this last week or next week. I'm sure Blitz will have a bunch of limited time stuff that will require you to be on Madden every few hours.
Wonder if M-Thursday will be 4 a day and then they do the regular rewards for F-Sun, again?
They should cut these blitzes down to 2 games. Nobody wants to play 4 full games a day.
Quote from mbkeller >> I'd rather have trophies, but at least I can do a free Pot Luck pack now.
Also, the daily x3 boost will help you get the battle points you need. If it is like last time, you'll need to win 3 on Ultimate and 1 on the next tier down.
This just stopped me from pulling out my hair lol
Quote from GolfWang1600 >> Because Madden has to compete with family time, the limited time stuff during the holidays is disgusting imo.
Bro, relax. You don't have to do it. It is not competing with anything. That's like saying anything on TV is pathetic because it competes with family time.
If you hate EA or the game, just go away.
Quote from Jonscrambler >> save your flyers, may be able to convert them to blitz tickets
The one thing I hate about the blitz promo is that I’m always gone to my wife’s family for thanksgiving and he weekend after and don’t get home until Sunday night so I miss everything with the blitz promo 😢
save your flyers, may be able to convert them to blitz tickets
also passing yards x3 battle scores so it's easier to get 95000 than you think
Quote from crzysportsfan26 >> Quote from samurijohn >> Quote from Log1k4LCha0s >> Just don't get tempted to do a Potluck pack with those extra flyers ... that'd be a good way to make you rage on a holiday :)
I’m happy with flyers as I want to do a turkey trotter! I’m gonna give these a go! Got 25,800 on my first game.
Quote from samurijohn >> Quote from Log1k4LCha0s >> Just don't get tempted to do a Potluck pack with those extra flyers ... that'd be a good way to make you rage on a holiday :)
Not sure what the hate for the potluck pack is about, the 40 flyers one wasn't all that bad to me, I think I broke even but I was very unlucky.
So no trophies on the blitz? that's what I really need for Madden?
Quote from Log1k4LCha0s >> Just don't get tempted to do a Potluck pack with those extra flyers ... that'd be a good way to make you rage on a holiday :)
Not sure what the hate for the potluck pack is about, the 40 flyers one wasn't all that bad to me, I think I broke even but I was very unlucky.
So no trophies on the blitz? that's what I really need for Madden?
Just don't get tempted to do a Potluck pack with those extra flyers ... that'd be a good way to make you rage on a holiday :)
is it passing TDs or passing yards? If just yards, you could get 99 yards and keep running back to your own 1 and getting another 99 yards and so on.
I'd rather have trophies, but at least I can do a free Pot Luck pack now.
Also, the daily x3 boost will help you get the battle points you need. If it is like last time, you'll need to win 3 on Ultimate and 1 on the next tier down.
Quote from SukAtMut >> You need 95,000 points and only 4 games to do it in. Good luck on this one
That's garbage.
I'll probably try them but not gonna kill myself to do these things. And will probably end up skipping some as I have no interest in playing 4 games every day.
Gotta average 24k per game. It's doable, but gonna take a little longer than normal.
I had the solo battles blitz show up on solo battles front page just now in my game and I clicked on it and it took me to the leaderboards then went away? Did anyone else see this and is solo battles blitz the one you have to complete every day??