
Interesting player names in Backyard Games - notice any?

So I got a kick out of this- defintely naming some of the dudes after TV characters

Dads: Ed Stark, WR  (Eddard Stark - game of thrones) Alred Bundy,  WR (Al Bundy - married with children) Phillip Dunfy, LT (Phil Dunfee - modern family) Propane Hank, RT (Hank Hill - king of the hill) Paul Walnuts, TE (Paul Wall - rapper)  ??

Judge Phil? (fresh prince of bel air's phil?) Big Bob?

Started to look through the defense and the names are recycled

Kids: Denny McMennis, HB (Dennis the Menace)  Danny Dorko, HB (Donny Darko) Foggy McLovebad (McLovin from superbad)

Those are the only ones I noticed other than food names, like Chocolate Chunk. 

Anyone have any others???

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