Quote from FaZeWalrus >> Funny enough the only time I get the stumble animation with Ricky is when my own Oline trips me
Funny enough the only time I get the stumble animation with Ricky is when my own Oline trips me
I have it on Kamara and have never had any problems with it. It will trigger when the running back is falling after breaking a tackle or if he trips on a fallen player. It seems to take 2 or 3 steps to fully recover this year. In Madden 18 it felt almost instant.
Quote from ardentsky236449 >> What?? Mine works and has worked, perfectly. If he stumbles it auto recovers. Happens multiple times a game.
Nothing wrong with it for me.
Is it a ricky problem?
I have it on Deion because he is a starting CB and my KR/PR. Works a LOT for me.
Quote from ardentsky236449 >> What?? Mine works and has worked, perfectly. If he stumbles it auto recovers. Happens multiple times a game.
Nothing wrong with it for me.
I never get the stumble animation... isn’t that weird?
I have it on 3 corners when they stumble it works but then they go into a repeated loop of stumbles until he gets tackled. I've never had it work and allow me to run down field.
What?? Mine works and has worked, perfectly. If he stumbles it auto recovers. Happens multiple times a game.
Nothing wrong with it for me.
Quote from Rod99 >> Exaclty that
It's if the RB stumbles, not on the back itself.
I rarely get the stumble animation on my RBs. I see it mostly on DBs after a pick.
I have it on Barry Sanders and it works all the time at least a few times a game.
whats up, y’all. I’ve always wanted to have never stumble on my runnin backs and i finally got with 94 ricky this year. But, sadly, that chem hasn’t been efecitive at all. Very disappointed, are you guys having the same issue?