
Can someone please tell me why me team is a 93 OVR and not a 94 like the Team Builder shows?

My squad:

My team barely flipped over to a 93 OVR when I added John Randle. Also I want to note most of the players you see in my line-up have higher overalls than shown like:

AP> 92 S. Taylor> 97 Montez Sweat> 89 D. Leonard> 94 Ed Reed> 93 Dawkins> 93 K. Houston > 91 Shazier> 95 Bush> 94 Q. Dunbar> 95 Deion Sanders> 97 F. Moreau> 94 D. Payne> 92 J. Peppers> 94

I'm not sure why my offense and defense are both 94 OVR and yet my team is a 93 still. Maybe even though it doesn't show, the ol' kicker or punter upgrade will give me the boost I want.

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