
Best chemistry for 93 ovr Lawrence Taylor?

whats good y’all?!


I put out my way on him because that's all I had to TP for. I notice the animation he gets but unsure how I feel about it. Kinda wondering how he'd play with that situational pass rusher or w/e. I play him at de btw


Quote from antonchigur >> I put tip drill on him and he hasn't ever gotten an interception, I was thinking if a ball is tipped at the line then he get an animation and dive for it or something but it's never happened.  So probably don't go with that lol.



I put tip drill on him and he hasn't ever gotten an interception, I was thinking if a ball is tipped at the line then he get an animation and dive for it or something but it's never happened.  So probably don't go with that lol.




Red  chem*


whats good y’all?!