Quote from Ducati0307 >> Quote from yokley47 >> 11,800 TP for Kelce on Thursday. Dude still can't make a catch while being hit. Shit's ridiculous. I can see not catching maybe half the balls while being contacted but it's every time. SMH. I'm probably going to try to use TP on Clowney soon and Hayward next Thursday. 😭😭😭
same here... same old madden
Quote from Jbcho1 >> That was a lot more than I expected... for Deion’s card bypass using TP for his PowerUp. Still did it though because I stocked up when the TP market crashed. Anyone else use the TP bypass today? Chem’ed up to a 97!!
I bought so much training it was unreal. Probably around 40k of it at around 42/per which on PC is an insanely good rate, but I still bought Deion's card instead because I'd rather have the option of selling him back even though hes 99.99% likely to stay on my team.
Quote from yokley47 >> 11,800 TP for Kelce on Thursday. Dude still can't make a catch while being hit. Shit's ridiculous. I can see not catching maybe half the balls while being contacted but it's every time. SMH. I'm probably going to try to use TP on Clowney soon and Hayward next Thursday. 😭😭😭
same here... same old madden
I just dont feel the need for PU players unless its for a team theme. Mentally I just like having the card of the guy out right.
Been playing MUT for 5 years and I know stats really dont matter enough on these cards outside of speed. Its all for show and for EA to make money.
I'm mostly nms, and any packs i purchased were the level up packs that have not even come close to giving me a hand up on any other player. My last pack was 60 legend and that was a Hutchinson when he sold for 200k back in what? September?
That being said it was now time for me to definitely spend my coins. I had 4+ mil saved up til Harvest and just unloaded on the LT set and tons of upgrades and also Deion.
I'm at 93 off 94 def with all the top cards i want: LT, Deion etc. Calvin and Payton are not even close to worth their price imo.
Deion was honestly a gift by EA since i got the free 60 blitz tokens and bought 1m in packs to make him :3 basically paid 300-400k for Deion after i sold all the crappy pulls and Zeke and Garrett. Kept Tyreek and Deion.
Still sitting at 1.8m with Alstott, Winslow, Deacon and La'Roi 500k quicksells :3
Ready for winter promo. Last year was my first mut and i quit right before winter promo hit. So at this point i know the madden fever will dissipate and i will quit soon, so to me any new 95+ card i like i am buying.
Quote from DsNuts4U >> Quote from theeapx >> Quote from ncinqueg >> Naaa...dont care about the “+1” for PUs....just will continue to stock pile coins while others piss them away :LOL:
Had 35k training points a few days ago but went on a spending spree. Down to 600 lol
Quote from 1234Ruined >> Since his Blitz card hovers around 700k, I figured the TP required would be high. CG to those who stocked up on TP when it was selling low.
Ok, but how about those of us who stocked up on players worth a lot of TP...like Geoff, Gordon, Newton. I have 6 Geoffs(5 now, sold 1 for 320) and have sold a few others.
I shoulda just quicksold 'em right away because now I know I'm better off selling them and then buying a smarter card...but that's just gonna be annoying. I do at least have 4 Elliotts that I'll sell(at least 3) and 2 Garretts(though he's been the beset RE in the game for me this year all around. Harvest Casey is nice for a 3-4, but not a 4-3. Donald is sooo overrated(just sold and really happy I did) and Mack was equally overrated.
I had the TP stocked up but while waiting for the TP option to unlock I got bored and spent all my TP on sprinter chem and just used the card to power up :lol:
Yeah, I'll wait until the next market crash to upgrade Clowney. Almost 12k TP is insane. Luckily I got Deion, but that pretty much took all my coin, so the rest will have to wait.
Yup stocked up some cards when the TP was in the 30’s. Powered him up yesterday as well. Hope it’s worth it!
TP is always cheaper than the PT performer cards. If you’re all in on a card, it makes sense to bypass the card...especially if your pack luck is as bad as mine!
Quote from theeapx >> Quote from ncinqueg >> Naaa...dont care about the “+1” for PUs....just will continue to stock pile coins while others piss them away :LOL:
Stock pile them for what? So you can say you them... Lmbo. Coins are made to be spent.
This man, season almost over, why pile coins man, u dont play with coins thyre worthless imo, I personally am getting to the point where I just play 2 3 x a week 1 to 3 games each time so I have the beat team in can 94 right now,
Quote from ncinqueg >> Naaa...dont care about the “+1” for PUs....just will continue to stock pile coins while others piss them away :LOL:
Stock pile them for what? So you can say you them... Lmbo. Coins are made to be spent.
thats such a crazy amount, unless you stocked up during promos when prices were low.
ultimate freeze going to help tp prices
THIS is what I dislike about the current system. I do love that we can FINALLY build teams, but the way of doing it is FUBAR. I really want to get Clowney powered up. That would involve either scrapping two 93 overall players, a ton of smaller elites, or buying a LTD card with a value that will never drop below 500k. Deion requires three 93's to be sacrificed (or eight 90's) into oblivion instead of sold on the market. Madden 19 - the year of the quicksell.
I'm a casual F2P player (as are most), getting cards that we'll never pull from packs on the AH is how we improve our team as their prices decrease. That's hard to sustain when those cards are either used as fodder for TP, as fodder for events (turned into NATs), or simply given a base value that makes them too much.
Quote from ncinqueg >> Naaa...dont care about the “+1” for PUs....just will continue to stock pile coins while others piss them away :LOL:
That was a lot more than I expected... for Deion’s card bypass using TP for his PowerUp. Still did it though because I stocked up when the TP market crashed. Anyone else use the TP bypass today? Chem’ed up to a 97!!