
Will Lott get a PU card and...

is he worth the trade off from PU Earl Thomas? If I break thomas down, I can recoup about 500k but unsure if there will be a significant bump in stats. 

Can someone provide some feedback?


Hope so. Will eventually get all the TD sets done.


Quote from bringbacktheoilers >> He had a PU icon on his card originally. They took it off but I imagine he would eventually

 Yeah that’s what I thought. Ended up getting him for Mill and got half that back and some training when I powered down Thomas. Chemmed to a 96 and He’s been great so far and seems worth the 500k investment.


I sure hope so, I’d love to get a hold of a Lott card but not badly enough to where I’d spend over a mil on him. It would be smart if they released a power up card, especially if he gets a higher rated card in the future, it would incentivize people to complete the team diamond sets

He had a PU icon on his card originally. They took it off but I imagine he would eventually


I have a feeling Lott HAS to eventually get a PU. Maybe not until at least December but the investment in TD sets must be rewarded imo. That’s a huge commitment for it to become irrevant after 4 months