Quote from mchardj >> Quote from Poohdini >> Put Elite on Jerry since he'll be in my lineup all year and I love it
This, and I would like to be able to move chems to other cards. If I buy Conductor or Playmaker, let me move each one to different cards if I choose to.
Yea I agree if you want it on multiple players sure buy it multiple times but if you buy it once you should be able to put it on any one player that meets the threshold
Not sure why the complaining, they added a new feature we dont have to even use. If ya dont like it dont use it, simple.
I agree with its frusterating not getting refund from red chems but overall i thought the new chems were nice to have the option to use.
Quote from NickGolf7 >> It's crazy that you need to pay for hot routes. Whether its coins or training points. You should just be able to customize them based on your scheme. As a matter of fact i'm shocked that has never been implemented throughout all the years of madden.
You used to be able to edit your hot routes in the past unless I’m trippin
It's crazy that you need to pay for hot routes. Whether its coins or training points. You should just be able to customize them based on your scheme. As a matter of fact i'm shocked that has never been implemented throughout all the years of madden.
Exactly...finished with the card ??? ..sorry go get the training again ...for another card .
As a player who struggles getting the ball to my outside receivers I actually found it being very useful on a receiver like AB who only has 85 speed for me. But the skinny post and cross are money. Especially the cross in the RedZone
Quote from BrejkJaNeck86 >> Quote from Dreverse >> Pay to play ...want conductor now ? Pay , want identity? Pay ? And now this ? What’s next ?
didn't know you have to pay for identity :troll:
Most adults do. It's called taxes/social security
OP has a point. Much of this was always in the game, available to all. Now you have to buy it. MUT is becoming pay to win. EA will eventually kill the golden goose.
Quote from Dreverse >> The more I think about this the more upsetting it is ...you want players to pay for this nonsense ea? When does it end ?
Never heard back on u hitting the sticks w me
Quote from Dreverse >> Pay to play ...want conductor now ? Pay , want identity? Pay ? And now this ? What’s next ?
didn't know you have to pay for identity :troll:
I bet later in the the year cards will come with red chems. I really like that we have options now where as last year a card had the chem that EA gave them. If you're favorite QB had I instead of C or G there wasn't anything you can do about it.
We should be able to refund chems for 50% back though. I hope they add that in later.
I actually like that they make you pay for it! Everyone doesn't have it because it costs a lot!
I’m beginning to think, more and more, that complaining is a gimmick for some people.
Quote from Swollcolb >> You have to factor in the fact EA is giving out a ton of free coins and packs between solo battles and level up packs to compensate for extra cost of training, chemistry and ability. I’m a NMS player and I’ve never had as good of a team as I have this year so far.
Quote from Swollcolb >> You have to factor in the fact EA is giving out a ton of free coins and packs between solo battles and level up packs to compensate for extra cost of training, chemistry and ability. I’m a NMS player and I’ve never had as good of a team as I have this year so far.
The more I think about this the more upsetting it is ...you want players to pay for this nonsense ea? When does it end ?