In past years he has so ive been going with touchdown Tim Brown and havent looked back.Best KR in my opinion.
His Carrying is in the 60s. So if you take a flush hit stick, you're going to fumble. But you'll also get some great returns with that Juke/Spin/Break Tackle...
Sweet thanks!
Yea currently he seems deeply unfair on returns
I'm not gonna get him to 93 until it comes way down (he doesn't fit my physical scheme on the outside)
But I will certainly put sprinter on him next time I get 800 TP for leveling :)
Quote from Guzguzman >> Quote from bringbacktheoilers >> Not a one yet.
Same for me also. 93 OVR his spins and jukes are quick and awesome on KRs. Wish I could use him on off.
I am about to hit 125 h2h wins and I will get 550k coins for the mut master achieve.
I am thinking about powering up a deion for a nickelback/kick returner
I just want to know if people have noticed any fumble issues with his low strength