Quote from xETSxTwiis7eD >> By the time he gets a power up hell will probably already be outdated. Really wish EA would release power ups kinda like the Sean T went, Or every few weeks.
Luck was the best QB in the game for 4 months.
Watson and Young (when the new card drops) will still be better than Lamar/Vick until those cards are able to get DD. They may be faster but DD makes ALL the difference.
If Rodgers gets is able to get EA and DD with his next card then he will be the top seed and will only be dethroned by a Lamar/Vick DD card.
when watson gets a power up he will be damn good hes still good could use a bump on throw power though. I'm surprised he didnt start the year with one the hell are those guys over at EA smoking?
I keep meaning to pick him up. I just got Montana so it feels weird giving up on him already.
I’ll stick with my Vick but having fun with diferent cards is part of the fun of Mut. Having a 30 man Steelers theme with a great defense helps me out. Also Vick has a power up... I did the compare for you...
vick powered up
By the time he gets a power up hell will probably already be outdated. Really wish EA would release power ups kinda like the Sean T went, Or every few weeks.
There's so many cards I'd love to use but the Power-Up drought is real
its too bad this guy doesn’t have a power up because his playoff card may be the best QB in the game right now even without it, I sold Vick the other day to prepare for toty and pulled Watson in the reroll pack so figured I would give him a shot and damn I think he’s been the best I think I’ve used all year. Anyone looking at the card wanting to try him out don’t hesitate he is awesome