If you look at the cards in the Auction House, if you go to page 3 you can see what ability the DD chem will boost.
Well i just built B-Wagz for about 600k. His Hero card only has a x2 scheme chem, and he also has the Dynamic Duo chem in the physical chem slot. It says it boosts Leonard Williams' pursuit by +2. I'm assuming Leornard's DD chem gives Wagner a +2 to something.
When you power Wagner up, he gets a single x3 scheme chem (AFAIK all 93+ OVR cards get at least one x3). His PU also has a plethora of Red Chems to choose from, J, H, T, ST, U, PS, F. Since Secure Tackler was great last year and none of my players have it I went with that one for now.
Bump, also looking for info or where to find info on what these chems actually do, etc
I'm looking to get B-Wagz but I'm curious if you're able to put 2 different chems on these like the UK cards. I will be powering him up to 93 so I guess I'm guaranteed a x3 but I will be much happier if there is 2 different slots + the DD.
Also has anyone mapped out which DDs do what?